Kirk's Blog (Page 7)

Students Rockin’ It this Weekend

Our Disciple Now in-town retreat is starting Friday night. We’re praying for 200 students to come and experience our powerful God and to learn his good plan for their lives. The enemy won’t roll over and just let this go on.  We need to pave the way in prayer, encircling our students as we declare the truth and love of Jesus over them. So many of you stepped up to…

Let Go and Take Hold

We generally don’t improve or make changes for the better unless we release something. Sometimes we have to release old habits or our current way of thinking. In almost every situation, we have to let go of one thing to take hold of a better thing. But let’s admit it, we struggle to let go of what we have without knowing what’s coming. We want to see the…

Baptism, Budget and the Kingdom of God

This coming Sunday is going to be sooooo good! I don’t want to give anything away, but it may be the most encouraging Sunday of the year…which means it’s also a great time to introduce a friend to CrossBridge. They’ll be filled with hope and confidence that God wants to bless them and give them an abundant life. Also, as weird as it may sound, part of the fun will…

Time’s Running Out for World Mandate

If you asked me what’s the most important thing you could do spiritually in the next two weeks, I’d say, “Come to the World Mandate Conference!” It’s a big two-day conference and CrossBridge is hosting a satellite location. The speakers will come in via satellite, but we’ll have live worship and it will be  p-o-w-e-r-f-u-l! Last year was our first year to host and it…

Hit the Bullseye

When you aim for something, your hope is that you hit it dead center—the bullseye. For ourselves, we’re all aiming for lives of significance and joy. For our kids, we’re aiming for them to walk with Jesus all the days of their lives. We’re all aiming for the same thing. That’s what CrossBridge is aiming for as we host the World Mandate Conference, February 1-2. Francis…

All Things New

Don’t you hope 2019 brings something new…something better or different from last year?  You probably made some commitments to yourself to change some things in your life to help make sure this year is better than the last.  Whenever I’ve got a goal, I always make the progress towards it when I tell others. I make even more progress when I hang with people who have…

My Kind of Church

In a week or so, I’ll be presenting our Annual Report. It summarizes everything Jesus did in us and through us as a church–you’re going to be impressed! Jesus was generous to us, including us in over 300 people responding to the gospel in 2018….over 800 children sponsored through our Escuela Viva school program in Reynosa…but I’m…

Is God With You?

If you’ve put your trust in Jesus, then he is God With You. Whatever season of life you’re in—the valley…the wilderness…the storm—he is with you. The best our spiritual enemy can do is try to deceive us, making us think God has turned his back on us. But we’re not going to fall for that! Instead, we’re going to walk in the authority  God has given us. We’re…

Merry Christmas not Creepy Christmas

People that are already part of a church almost always underestimate how much guests measure a church by how welcome they feel. We might think that guests want more space so they can “evaluate” their church experience. But it’s not true. Over and over surveys show people want to belong. If they wanted to be alone, they’d have stayed home. At Christmas this is even more…

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