All Things New

Don’t you hope 2019 brings something new…something better or different from last year?  You probably made some commitments to yourself to change some things in your life to help make sure this year is better than the last.  Whenever I’ve got a goal, I always make the progress towards it when I tell others. I make even more progress when I hang with people who have the same goal. I bet the same is true for you. So…let’s help each other this year.  Let’s make a commitment to one another as part of the body of Christ: Let’s together go after Jesus with more passion, more steadfastness.

A good way to do this is to take the next step into community. If you’ve not been
consistent at our Sunday gatherings—your next step might be to start being consistent and offer to serve. If you’re already consistent on Sundays, then maybe your next step is to join a life group. If you’re in a life group, then ask your leader about being part of one of our discipleship groups. Just take the next step. If you do, I guarantee you’ll be far more likely to achieve your others goals, too. The reason is because Jesus told us to be in community with one another and he always blesses us when we obey his commands.

The next time we’re together on Sunday, I’ll be starting a series called, All Things New.  New life is what Jesus promised us when he told us to follow him. We’ll experience it when we walk together.

In the next couple of weeks, we’ll vote on our 2019 budget. You can check it out and our 2018 Annual Report by clicking here.

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