Hit the Bullseye

When you aim for something, your hope is that you hit it dead center—the bullseye. For ourselves, we’re all aiming for lives of significance and joy. For our kids, we’re aiming for them to walk with Jesus all the days of their lives. We’re all aiming for the same thing.

That’s what CrossBridge is aiming for as we host the World Mandate Conference, February 1-2. Francis Chan and other powerful speakers are going to help us start the year by cutting through the jungle of consumerism and inward thinking and align us with what Jesus is doing in the world. When we line up with Jesus, we always hit the bullseye. When we sync up with what he’s doing in the world and experience his presence, other distractions lose their allure—he alone is exalted in our lives.

Sign up for the World Mandate Conference today and, if you have kids, sign them up for the children’s conference. It’s one of the most important ways you can hit the bullseye.

On the adventure with you,


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