Kirk's Blog (Page 22)

Included and 3% Cashback

            What’s our theme this Christmas?…”Jesus, include me!” Just today I was meeting a couple of guys for discipleship at North Central Baptist Hospital lobby (why that location is another story). I arrived first and while I was waiting a medical professional sits down one seat over from…

Christmas Matters

             The past couple of Sundays we’ve talked about how Jesus wants to include you in what he’s doing. I asked you to try something with me:              First, do our Bible study at least ten minutes each day so your mind is being…

Included or Used

             Remember how I wrote about the difference between being “used” by God versus being “included” by God. A carpenter uses a hammer, but he includes his apprentice. A mentor might use a book, but she includes the one she’s mentoring. What’s the big difference?…

Got Your Footprint?

            I used to pray, “Oh Lord, please use me!” But then I sensed the Lord respond, “Use you? You’re not a hammer. How about I include you.” Doesn’t that sound more exciting? More relational? God loves to include us in what he’s doing in the world!…

The Veterans Choice

              Paul exhorts us to live our lives in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Since we’ve been bought at such a high price, we should live lives which honor Jesus. Also, since it was for the sake of our living in freedom that Jesus set us free, we shouldn’t tolerate bondage to sin…

Joy Included

            Is your life characterized by joy? Would others consider you generally to be a person who has an abiding joy? If not, you’re not getting your money’s worth out of the Christian life. Joy is one of the things he purchased for you on the cross. It’s yours to have and he really, really wants…

Will You Trust Me

Will you trust me? This is what Jesus asks every time he talks about money (which is a lot). He’s asking us to jump off of the perch of our own sense of control, fly into the air, trusting that he’ll catch us in his eternal arms. And guess what? He will!  The Jesus that loved you enough to leave the confines of heaven and become a man so he could save you…

Umpqua Community College Shooting

I want you to feel connected to Jesus and CrossBridge and equipped to live a life that honors him. Here are some things I think will help you… •   Did you miss the message on the Umpqua Community College shooting? Click here to watch or listen to it. It will help you get to the root of the issue. •   Sunday is the last day to sign up…

It’s All About the Heart

            Jesus really cares about your heart. He doesn’t want to see it broken, abused, misplaced or disappointed. Guarding your heart is what he’s hoping you’ll let him do. He’s really good at it. In fact in Zephaniah 3:17, he describes himself as a Mighty Warrior who fights on your…

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