Got Your Footprint?

Got Your Footprint?

            I used to pray, “Oh Lord, please use me!” But then I sensed the Lord respond, “Use you? You’re not a hammer. How about I include you.” Doesn’t that sound more exciting? More relational? God loves to include us in what he’s doing in the world!

            This past Sunday we handed out hundreds of multi-colored foot prints and we made commitments to follow in Jesus footsteps, letting him led us this Christmas. We told him, “Jesus, we’re going to follow you. Would you include us as you reach out to people?” It’s all about loving people for Jesus’ sake. It’s about making time for them; to care for them and include them in our lives–all for the sake of Jesus who loves them.

            Put that footprint some place where you’ll see it everyday. (Mine is in my iPad case.) Every time you see it, recommit yourself to following Jesus and loving others this Christmas season.


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