Kirk's Blog (Page 21)
Peace in the House on Fire
A few days ago I taught on Jesus’ promise of peace, however, it’s important to remember, the peace that Jesus promises comes from our being with him. This is why he impresses upon us the importance of obeying his commands. When we stay in step with him, we experience his peace. This is a pretty easy assertion to affirm until we confront where Jesus is…
The Most Important Snipe Hunt
When I went on my first Boy Scout camp out, I became the victim of the infamous snipe hunt trick which older boys play on the younger. After telling me all about this fascinating and rare animal, the older kids sent me out to fruitlessly search for one. They even told me that if I failed that I would be the first ever to do so. (Talk about pressure!) For a lot…
You Can Change… For Real!
As we start our new series, Believe, it’s all about how God can change you from who you are into who he want you to be. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done what your hangups are currently. He says… I can and I will transform you. He’s not looking at your past. He’s not even looking at the failures of…
The Forgetful Yet Meticulous Record Keeper
As far as the east is from the west, that’s how far God says he separates his children’s sins from them. That’s pretty far, but that’s not the half of it…He also tells us that he actually forgets the sins of his children. God doesn’t just put away our sins, he actually forgets where he put them! These are his words not mine!–And…
Show Hole
A popular commercial depicts a pitiful woman on the couch as the credits scroll on the last episode of her favorite TV show. With nothing else to watch, she is entered into a horrible state which the announcer dramatically describes as: Show Hole. This commercial reveals something that’s undeniably true about every person: We have an insatiable appetite for…
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Have you ever noticed that the Holy Spirit is sometimes referred to as the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of Jesus? (Phil.1:19; Acts 16:7) We know that the mysterious nature of God is that of three distinct persons yet supernaturally still one, right? That reality is hard for us to grasp, so why would God risk confusing us by referring to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of…
Amazed By God
The thing that really got to me as I prepared last week’s message (click here for message) was how the seraphim in Isaiah 6 stay day and night in the presence of God singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy!” Think about it….everyday, all day this is what the seraphim do. If that’s seems boring to us,…
Investing vs Spending
One of the biggest misconceptions about giving is that we’re giving up our money, disassociating from it. This couldn’t be further from reality. As followers of Christ, our giving is actually an investment in the kingdom of God. This isn’t word manipulation, it’s actually true.…
Take 15 Minutes to Reflect
Find a closet or go in your backyard or just go sit in your car, but find sometime in the next three days to sit and reflect on Jesus becoming a man. Think about why he did it, the love, the urgency, the hope. At least for 15 minutes, let the busyness of the your schedule take a back seat and give…