Kirk's Blog (Page 19)

F.C.O.E. Strikes Again!

    The Friendliest Church on Earth struck again this week! The common theme in the surveys we received from guests was the friendliness of our church. Everybody felt welcomed! Guess who’s fault that is?…yours!     In God’s generosity, he is letting us deliver his love and joy to people that visit our fellowship on Sundays. In a sense, he’s…

The End of Hope

     Don’t worry…it’s not the end of all hope, it’s just the end of our Hope Series. We’re wrapping our 12 week journey through the Bible. So what’s next? Well, after a summer of travel and missions, I’m looking forward to being personally back in the saddle on Sundays and start our fall teaching series. Here’s a…

Friendliest Church on Earth

     One of the best parts of coming home, for me, is knowing that the people who love me are going to stop what they’re doing and welcome me. It’s something our family has always done. I’m not saying we’re perfect at it, but we’re pretty consistent and it feels really good.      This is what everyone visiting CrossBridge on Sundays needs to…

Just Under the Surface–Part 1

     Akram is a 16 years old boy.  He’s from Syria, but currently lives with his mother and two siblings in an abandoned three-story school in Athens. He’s been a smoker since age 12 and has a swagger about him that is immediately obvious–the kind unique to boys his age.       I first met Akram as he sits on a plastic bucket smoking a cigarette.…

Engaging the Crisis

     Remember that time Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead? He called a couple of guys out of the crowd and had them roll the stone away…then he called a dead man back to life. All over Europe Jesus is doing that right now. We have a team in Munich and a team that left for Athens today to join him in it. These teams, along with the one leavening for Athens on July…

Fighting the Spiritual Battle for Others

     After last Sunday’s message on the armor of God, someone asked me if we could pray the armor on for someone else? The answer is yes and no. To experience victory, each person needs to welcome the reign of Jesus personally  in their life. Then they need to keep giving him more and more room to vanquish the darkness in us where his reign hasn’t been…

Winning the Battle

     Worry is one of Satan’s favorite tools. We worry what might happen. We worry about what others think. We worry about the other’s responses…plus a million other worries. Part of worry is rooted in the fact that we desire to be in control and we’re not.      Jesus’ answer to worry isn’t about strategizing how to get your finances in order…

One Year Might Change Your Life

     Many of you are familiar with the Antioch Network of churches who host the World Mandate Missions Conference. Like us, they’re passionate about missions and discipleship. Over the past year we’ve been working with Antioch and have adopted their model to develop the CrossBridge Discipleship School starting in September.      The goal is to offer you the…

Convicted by a Jehovah’s Witness

I spent some time speaking with a woman this week who is about to begin a six month course with the Jehovah’s Witnesses.If you’re not aware, the JWs are a cult that started some 170 years ago when a man named Charles Russel decided he was right and every one on the planet was wrong. He created his own religion, claimed to be a prophet (though his prophecies…

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