Kirk's Blog (Page 6)

Hitting a Home Run

Have you ever worked really hard for something, hoping for a big success, and when the final results are in you’re blown away? That’s what Easter weekend was like for our CrossBridge family. So many of you came “backstage” to give Easter away to our community and it was a home run! Between our four services (Friday-Sunday) we had 3,200 people participate—wow! We know of…

I’ve Never Done this Before

This Easter, I want to bring you backstage with me. Instead of being part of the “audience,” would you be part of the cast this year? No audition needed—you’re perfect for the part. Here’s what you do… Read Luke 15. My Easter message will be the retelling of the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son, the lost brother. Read this chapter several times and pray for…

The Astonishing Jesus

Everybody who got close to Jesus was astonished by him. Makes sense, right?…His power, love, wisdom, compassion, focus, and courage simply blew people away. What’s really crazy to consider is the same Holy Spirit living in Jesus, by whom Jesus did all that he did, lives in us! The same astonishing Holy Spirit is spiritually inside everyone who trusts in Jesus,…

A Great Place to Raise your Family

More and more as I look at CrossBridge, I see us as a great place to raise a family. We’ve got people in our church that represent every single life stage, but one of our biggest segments is young families. When I walk in on Sundays and when I go to life groups, I see a fellowship of people who genuinely care about the next generation—and the challenge parents have in…

Understanding Father God’s Heart

At the core of our faith, all of us must wrestle with understanding Father God’s heart. We are derailed by our own earthly father’s poor example, hard circumstances, our own selfishness, or we simply will not humble ourselves to understand. In 1 Thessalonians 2, Paul is writing to the Church, all of God’s people, and conveying his strategy. 1…

Making Jesus Smile

Remember how we talked about Jesus and the Roman centurion who asked Jesus to come heal his servant? Jesus was amazed by the centurion’s faith. In fact, our faith always makes Jesus smile—it makes him proud like a good daddy who’s pleased with his children. This past weekend, CrossBridge made Jesus smile. We had 60 people in Reynosa loving and building homes for two…

Include Me Prayer

In the past four weeks, we have been ramping up preparations for our Spring Outreaches. It has been so exciting to see over 50 people sign up to go on mission with God to Reynosa, Mexico. They will be loving on three families by building each a home, sharing Jesus, and loving on the families next door. Please pray for our team from March 9-12 as they “raise a…

Go for Three!

In the past 14 months, our Sunday gathering has g rown by over 20%.  We’re beginning to face the challenge of how to accommodate all the children we have, while maintaining the same excellent ministry experience we’ve always had.  We’ve got over 200 people being trained for outreaches and life group leading…and are struggling to find space on Sunday.  So…. We…

Big Announcement this Sunday!

You know how we’ve been talking about “taking a step to the right”?  Well…over the past three weeks more than 400 people made a commitment to do just that.  Some made the commitment to start making our Sunday gathering a regular part of their week. Way to go! Another 306 people signed up to go or get more information on one of our local or global outreaches! I…

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