Include Me Prayer

In the past four weeks, we have been ramping up preparations for our Spring Outreaches. It has been so exciting to see over 50 people sign up to go on mission with God to Reynosa, Mexico. They will be loving on three families by building each a home, sharing Jesus, and loving on the families next door. Please pray for our team from March 9-12 as they “raise a house” and raise up the name of Jesus. Ask God to draw many to his Son. Ask for their hearts to be touched by his love so they put their trust in Jesus as their personal savior.
Then on this side of the border, we have over 70 people from CrossBridge, whole families and individuals joining our partner church, Life Church on the Southside for an in-town mission experience, KINDLE. Joining God, and joining each other, we’ll form a team of over 130 Jesus followers who will go out to neighborhoods and apartment complexes around Life Church and share the “Miracle Question”, “Their Story”, “God’s Story”, and watch God do the miraculous work of delivering people from darkness into His Kingdom of light. Watching God literally touch a heart and save a soul has got to be one of the most humbling experiences of my life.
Many people are “taking a step to the right” this Spring Break, and even if you can’t join one of these adventures, God has a plan to include you every day of your life. Your God-Adventure is right there, even in what looks like the normal daily grind!  How do you go from a normal day to a God-Adventure day? Simple. Start each day with the “Include Me Prayer”. In the quiet of your morning, approach the throne of God’s grace and tell him your heart, saying something like this: “Jesus, I don’t want just another ordinary day. I’m here, and right now I’m making myself totally available to you. Jesus, please include me in what you are doing. When I see your invitation, I will say yes, no matter how I feel. I will trust you, that your invitation tells me you want me to join you, and that you are enough for whatever the adventure looks like. I trust you, Lord”. Then just go boldly into your day looking for God’s invitation to include you. It might show up in the most random of moments. Be faithful and say yes when it happens and watch Jesus do amazing things with your 5 loaves and 2 fishes.
On the Adventure with you,

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