Go for Three!

In the past 14 months, our Sunday gathering has g rown by over 20%.  We’re beginning
to face the challenge of how to accommodate all the children we have, while maintaining the same excellent ministry experience we’ve always had.  We’ve got over 200 people being trained for outreaches and life group leading…and are struggling to find space on Sunday.  So….

We thought about launching a new building project…but instead, we think if we all jump in, we can squeeze more out of the buildings we currently have.  It’ll take everyone helping out but we have a great plan…

On August 18, we’re going to add a third Sunday morning service.  We’ll be able to
accommodate another 600 people and keep the same powerful ministry experience, all with minimal added expense.  I love the idea of more people experiencing Jesus and the Friendliest Church on Earth!

Lately I’ve been asking you to “take a step to the right”…what I mean is I want everyone to take just one step to connecting more deeply with the people of God.  In the coming
week’s, we’ll talk logistics and present new volunteer opportunities. Going to a third service is going to require that we, as a church, take a step to the right together.  As we do, we’ll see Jesus include us in something amazing—I promise!

On the adventure with you,


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