The Astonishing Jesus

Everybody who got close to Jesus was astonished by him. Makes sense, right?…His power, love, wisdom, compassion, focus, and courage simply blew people away. What’s really crazy to consider is the same Holy Spirit living in Jesus, by whom Jesus did all that he did, lives in us! The same astonishing Holy Spirit is spiritually inside everyone who trusts in Jesus, giving them power, love, wisdom and discipline (2 Timothy 1:7).

This means we have everything we need to reveal to others how astonishing Jesus is. As we turn our hearts toward loving him and living in alignment with his heart (Romans 8:28), people will see the Astonishing Jesus in and through us! Oh, how the world needs to see the Astonishing Jesus!

Our commitment over these next two weeks leading up to Easter is to pray, care and share with people with the intention of them seeing Jesus in us. Let’s be great listeners and compassionate neighbors! Let’s be encouraging coworkers and forgiving family members. Let’s go out of our way to show them the Astonishing Jesus.

Don’t forget to invite people to our big block party on Good Friday and to one of ourthree Sunday services.

On the Adventure with you,

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