Kirk's Blog (Page 4)

Start Winning the Battle

Way back I remember feeling like I just couldn’t seem to beat the anger in my life. To make a long story short, the Lord revealed my anger was rooted in a thought that kept running around in my head, telling me I wasn’t good enough.  I remember the time I took the thought captive, bringing it straight to the Word of God. I compared it to Zephaniah 3:17 where God says he…

New Teaching Series: Surrounded

There’s not a person I know who doesn’t struggle with negative thoughts—I know I do. We struggle with feeling not good enough…we struggle with regret and guilt about the past…we struggle with fear and worry about the future. Sometimes we feel completely surrounded. The Bible tells us the root of these negative thoughts is actually a spiritual enemy who seeks…


Did you notice last Sunday that the first letter on those colored boxes spelled: “iLove”? Here’s a cool story just fresh out of the oven…Monday I went to the hospital with one of my disciple making groups to pray for people in the lobby and look for opportunities to share the love of Jesus. I arrived first and saw a security guard positioned at a desk in a prominent…

You Picking Up the Spoon?

Did you pick up the spoon this week to feed yourself spiritually? Remember this powerful truth: Whatever you do to draw closer to Jesus—no matter how small—He will meet you there. Isn’t that an amazing promise? Of course, our spiritual enemy tries to downplay this…“You won’t actually experience Jesus,” he says. “You’re not spiritual enough to be blessed by God,” he…

Back on Home Turf

I’ve been out for a good bit this summer as Debbie and I have been with our various outreach teams in various countries. Never before have I seen God do so much through our church. The stories sound like the Book of Acts—healings, salvations, community—I would love for everyone to get to personally experience God move in such powerful ways! But…I’m no less excited…

Hello, San Antonio!

Surely you’ve been to some live concert in your life where the band took the stage and the lead singer yells out, “Hello, [insert name of city]!” The crowd always goes crazy and screams, “welcoming” the band to their city. (Of course, it doesn’t always work as planned…I saw a YouTube clip of the artist shouting out the wrong city!) On Friday night, August 16, we’re…

Ice Cream is Good for You

This Sunday evening we’re hosting Navigate—a fun, but strategic training event for our whole church from 5:30-7:30 p.m. We’ll break into groups based upon our life stage and attend a short equipping forum that’s especially designed for where we are. The goal is to better equip us to be disciple makers in our particular season of life. We’ll also have a bunch of ice cream…

Let It Go, Let It Go—Elsa, from Frozen

Paul’s letter to the Colossians pre-dates the movie Frozen by almost 2,000 years, but if they’d been in the same time context, my bet is Paul might’ve used Elsa’s epic exhortation, encouraging the Colossians to “Let it go!” God wants us to let go of our past and embrace his future. He wants us to…

Kirk’s Back in the Saddle

After three weeks of traveling with our summer outreach, I’m back in town and can’t wait to be with you this Sunday. Never before have I seen God do so much in such a short time through our teams in Uganda, Southeast Asia and Costa Rica. I’m sure I’ll be telling stories for weeks, so come Sunday or tune in using the CrossBridge app! We’re still walking through the book of…

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