Kirk's Blog (Page 2)

Sexuality and Gender

The world has a lot to say about sexuality and gender. So does Jesus, but if the church isn’t talking about it, then no one will know. For lots of reasons, these issues are rising to the forefront of discussion in our culture. They also need to rise to the forefront of discussion in the church so we know what God says is true and, just as importantly, why he says it’s…

A General in God’s Army

A General in God’s Army Ying Kai is a missionary to China through whom God has brought salvation to millions—literally. Through simple, reproducible disciple making, Ying has made disciples who make disciples. We’ve just confirmed that Ying is going to be with us this weekend on the CrossBridge campus to speak Saturday afternoon at the World Mandate Conference. I look at…

Take Your Foot Off the Gas a Little

Isn’t it amazing the amount of wisdom Jesus can pack into such a small story? He talks about building a house on the rock and not on the sand…and the next thing you know, the Holy Spirit is convicting us about all the other voices we’re listening to and all the things we’re living for other…

F.C.O.E…Know what it means?

Friendliest Church on Earth! That’s who I think we are!…and the start of a new year is the perfect time to show it. Guests will form their impression in the first 10 seconds of arriving on campus—Wow! That’s not very long to show them we’re the F.C.O.E!…but we can. Whether you’re serving in the parking lot or at the registration desk…or hanging out at…

Millions of Dollars for What?

Every year we invest millions of dollars in “doing church.” But what does that look like? More importantly, what does that investment produce?  Each January we publish an Annual Report that recaps some of the main results of our ministry efforts from the previous year. As a part of our CrossBridge family, it’s important you know the good things God is doing. I think…

Peer into the Heart of CrossBridge

Every now and then there’s an opportunity to really peek into the heart of CrossBridge and see what it’s all about. When you do, you see an expression of the body of Christ who is passionate about worshipping him and walking with him wherever he goes. You see a church who loves the next generation and wants their children and students to not just hear about Jesus, but to…

January 5, 2020

Kick Off 2020 Right Here are 5 great questions you can ask yourself to help set New Year’s Resolutions that will really make a difference: What’s one thing you can do this year to increase your enjoyment of God? If you were to pray for one miracle this year, what would it be? What’s the most important thing you could do to improve your family relationships? In which…

Feed the Poor, Save the Babies, Rescue the Girls

Feeding the poor, saving the babies, rescuing girls…First Gift—our end-of-year missions offering—is our coming together to help people in our city and around the world who need it most. Debbie and I always enjoy buying gifts for our family at Christmas time. Years back, though, we decided we…

Money, Money, Money

At this time of year, my mailboxes—both email and physical—are filled with just about as many requests for money as they are with Christmas wishes. (I know yours is the same!) You might be tempted to think of our First Gift offering as just “another request for money,” but it’s different in two big ways… 100% of a First Gift donation goes to the ministry you…

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