Sexuality and Gender

The world has a lot to say about sexuality and gender. So does Jesus, but if the church
isn’t talking about it, then no one will know. For lots of reasons, these issues are rising to the forefront of discussion in our culture. They also need to rise to the forefront of discussion in the church so we know what God says is true and, just as importantly, why he says it’s true.

On March 28, at our next church-wide Bonfire training event, we’ll focus in on these
issues. We talk together about same-sex attraction in a setting that is honoring and safe. On Sunday morning, I’ll be interviewing a good friend who knows personally of the struggle with sexuality and the joy of trusting what Jesus says is true about our identity.

This Bonfire training event is for every life stage. Please sign up early by clicking here.

On the adventure with you,


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