Kirk's Blog (Page 27)

Your Life Matters to God

     Sometimes we believe something at one level but believe something contrary at a deeper level. In every case, the deeper belief wins out. For example, sometimes we believe at one level that “God loves me,” but at a deeper level we struggle with thoughts of “I’m not good enough.” Know what I mean? We have an amazing…

No Thanks, I’ll Pay My Own Way

     Know of anyone who’s not good at receiving? They won’t ever let you pay, or maybe they’re not very comfortable receiving compliments or gifts. Humankind as a whole is somewhat like that. That’s why over the centuries whenever we decide to create a religion, we always include a common tenet:  You must make up for all…

What Do You Want For Christmas?

     Like for real, what do you want for Christmas? I’m talking about physical gifts, you know, the fun stuff? I’ve sort of got my eye on a sound bar for the big honkin’ TV I won last year. I mean, it just seems like poor stewardship to have that awesome TV and not have an equally awesome sound bar. (Now don’t go buying me gifts or anything, you…

Reminded Again of What Really Matters

     What really matters? There are a lot of things that come to mind including family, security, and other important things. This past week I was reminded with clarity the one thing that matters most when 11 people–some in our service and others in Reynosa–decided to trust in Jesus to make them right with God.      Some of those people will likely live the…

My Christmas Lights Are Up

     I’m generally the first guy in my neighborhood to get his Christmas lights up in his yard. I know it’s not a competition, but I want to be ready just in case it turns into one…just kidding (Not really). This year, though, three Johnny-come-latelies beat me to the punch–it’s not even Thanksgiving and their lights are already up. So, in…

When 1 + 1 Equals more than 2

      Sometimes regular math just doesn’t describe reality. I know that one plus one generally equals two, but something transcends this physical law when it comes to spiritual things.        This weekend, 120 teenagers will spend Friday and Saturday up at the Community Center for our annual Global Impact retreat. For Global Impact, sometimes we transform the…

The Theology of ZZ Top

     Whether you were a teenager in the 80’s or you’re familiar with Duck Dynasty–I think that about covers everybody–then you’re also familiar with the ZZ Top song, Sharp Dressed Man. I won’t go into the specific lyrics, but the gist of the song is how a sharp set of clothes changes things.        I don’t know if Billy Gibbons…

I Just Got Out of Prison

     Recently, a group of CrossBridgers and I joined a team on a four day prison ministry retreat called Kairos. The basic premise of the retreat is to overwhelm inmates with love through the Spirit, Word, fellowship and food for the sake of their trusting in Christ.      I spent time with six inmates in particular. As part of a family group we ate together, prayed…

Norman Rockwell was a Liar

    Okay, okay, maybe my title is a little harsh and, in reality, I’m not calling Rockwell a liar, but let’s be honest…the holidays don’t actually look anything like the idealism represented in his paintings. We might wish they looked like that, and maybe you experience glimpses of that picture perfect scene, but noticeably absent from his…

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