Kirk's Blog (Page 24)

Better Than the Stock Market

            We’re always looking for a better investment with greater returns. It doesn’t necessarily mean we’re all greedy, in fact, it just makes sense. We want to make the most of what we’ve got for the sake of the future. We ought to take the same approach to our marriage–our most…

Parent Panel Tonight

            Do you remember how Jesus said others were going to be able to tell that we were genuinely his followers? By how we love one another. Sure, loving the world and serving people is important, but in John 13:35, Jesus said that how we love the other followers of his is how everyone will know we are his…

Fight for Marriage

In a couple of weeks we begin a marriage series and have our marriage conference on August 7-8. (Register here.) So many so need this as you are well aware. Let’s do battle in prayer for the gospel to cut through the lies, hurt and unforgiveness that cripples marriages. Jesus invited me to roll away the stone in front of Lazarus’ tomb so he could then bring…

How to Learn to Hear the Spirit’s Voice

       A friend mentioned to me his problem in hearing or discerning the Holy Spirit’s leading. “How do I know it’s not just my own thoughts or self-talk?” That’s a great question, and there’s a really good reason why we struggle with this. When the Holy Spirit communicates to us, he does so through our…

Lies, Lies, Lies

      Teaching on the family is always dangerous business. No other set of relationships (marriage, family, parenting) consumes so much of our lives or is as easily intertwined with our identity as these. Because of that, satan loves to sow seeds of lives. Here are some of his favorites…      1.    …

Jesus’ Eight Blessings for You

     If the Beatitudes do anything for us, they should shatter the way that religion causes us to put faith in a category separate from real life. Jesus, in Matthew 5-7, is telling us, “This is what life is all about!” He is encouraging us to trade in our view of life for his view of life.      Assess your life against…

Voter’s Guide

     “Make the most of every opportunity,” Paul exhorts us in Colossians 4.  Voting is one of the ways we do that. Now’s the time to vote in the mayoral runoff election. In the general election only 11.8% of voters actually voted. Regardless of the outcome of an election, voting is an opportunity for  the followers of Christ…

Eyes, Ears, Nose…

     We navigate through most of our lives using our physical senses and the system works pretty well. Where it doesn’t always serve us as well is in areas of faith and things of the Spirit. This is why many struggle with their faith (actually all of us at some time). God gets this and he steps up to bridge the gap between the spiritual and the…

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