Fight for Marriage

In a couple of weeks we begin a marriage series and have our marriage conference on August 7-8. (Register here.) So many so need this as you are well aware. Let’s do battle in prayer for the gospel to cut through the lies, hurt and unforgiveness that cripples marriages.

Jesus invited me to roll away the stone in front of Lazarus’ tomb so he could then bring the dead to life. In the same way, we are rolling the “stone” away in prayer so that the Holy Spirit can breathe new life into marriages. Let’s pray for these:

Let’s pray against the spirit of lust and pornography that robs men of their passion and gentleness toward their wives.

Let’s pray for the single parents who wrestle with loneliness and the young singles surrounded by temptation to fill the void in their lives differently than the Lord’s way.

Let’s pray for the husband or wife whose spouse doesn’t know the Lord and carries the weight of spiritual leadership on their own and struggles with the contrary view point of their spouse. Pray for the unbelieving spouse to see and receive Jesus’ love.

Let’s pray against the patterns of conflict in marriages that lead to arguments and spouse shutting down emotionally. Pray for those considering divorce and for the strength to persevere and the hope in the redemptive power of Jesus’ love.

Let’s pray for a spirit of gentleness and cherishing to invade marriages.

Pray for strong Christ-based marriages that are trying live out what it means to submit, to love like Jesus, and to manage the competing time commitments.

Pray for a demonstration of the Spirit’s power in the worship, the messages, the life groups and the homes during this series. Pray for real breakthrough to occur.

Let’s pray for children caught in the crossfire of troubled marriages.


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