Kirk's Blog (Page 20)

How God Wants to Include us

     We have 40 people on the two teams we’re taking to Greece to engage the crisis of Syrian refugees. We already have a team from a partner church staking out accommodations for us and finding ways for us to make a practical difference in the lives of these people who’ve lost so much.  Many refugees, whose hearts have been broken by Islam, have seen the love…

Don’t Touch the Stove!

     When a parent is teaching their child an important lesson for their safety, they say something like, “Don’t ever touch the stove.” They know that while their child needs to learn some lessons by experience and by choice, the danger of a hot stove is not one of them. Therefore, in love and for the sake of their child’s safety, the parent gives…

Spiritual Warfare

     While all of us might not recognize obvious spiritual warfare in our lives, all of us need to come to grips with the fact that we have a spiritual enemy who has declare war against us. He’s not a myth and he doesn’t run around in a little red suit with a pitchfork. He’s real and he’s ruthless. He’s insanely jealous of God and for a…

Engage the Crisis

     Over four million people have been displaced due to the fighting and persecution in Syria and the surrounding area. Many have fled to Greece, the closest EU nation. Many have passed through Greece to more permanent residence in Eastern Europe, but many thousands are stuck in Athens–Muslims fleeing persecution by Muslims.      These Muslim refugees are…

Don’t Let Up!

      I can’t wait to see you this Sunday and share some of what the Lord did and how he included us in his Easter work. He’s so generous to us! I was really surprised by how many people joined us Sunday–so many guests! I was even more amazed at how our church served and loved those who came. We were all on the same team, going for the same goal–I…

The Final Countdown

       In just 12 days, many people in our community will make their annual pilgrimage to “church” on Easter Sunday.  I’m asking Father God to include me personally in unfolding his love and destiny for someone who doesn’t currently know him. In prayer, let’s be like John the Baptist, preparing the way for the Holy Spirit to prompt and to…

Pass The Fruit

       The Holy Spirit is a gardener who loves to weed the garden of our soul so he can plant and grow wonderful fruit. While many people are turning to counterfeits, looking to be more gentle or patient or to be a better person in some way, Jesus tells us that he’s the sole proprietor of those things, meaning that in their truest form, they can only be found in…

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