Kirk's Blog (Page 12)

Just Getting Started

     This past Sunday we began our series through the Book of Acts. If you missed, you’re not behind; we’re just getting started, so jump on in.      Our walk through Acts gives you the chance to re-engage with God if you’ve wandered off in some way. Or, if you’d describe your faith walk as stagnate, Acts has the answer. The God of Acts is your God…

Wow! You’ve got to see this…

     Were you with CrossBridge last Sunday? I can’t explain our gathering in a way that will do justice to what God was revealing, but in Acts 2:47, the church is described as being in awe. I felt that this past Sunday.      I’m thinking about Nathan’s story of transformation and freedom…Shea’s picture of the scuba tanks as he described…

Annual Budget and Kids’ Conference

     Presenting our annual budget is always a fun thing for me. It honestly gives me a chance to sort of “show off” our church. Click the link and you’ll not only see how we’re investing our money in 2018, but you’ll some some of the powerful things Jesus did through us in 2017. This Sunday, we’ll affirm the budget together and thank…

Shame is a Lie

     After this past Sunday, I was thinking more about shame and I wish I’d said simply, “Shame is a lie.” That’s really what it is for those in Christ. It’s a false lens through which we view our past. It doesn’t accurately reflect reality, though, because Jesus bore our shame on the cross and we have agreed to let him.      Because…

In 2018, I resolve…

     In 2018, I resolve to fight worry every time. I will give it no quarter in 2018. When it emerges in my mind, I will not tolerate its taking the steering wheel of my “mental bus” and driving me around in useless, anxious circles. I will be watchful for the way that worry creeps up on me, luring me to compare myself with others. Comparison is the fertile…

Kyle Watson on Investing

     Last week in our gathering Kyle spoke about the uncertainty of investing in Bitcoins. The next day, Bitcoins lost a third of their value…a few days later, they were up 50%. While everybody loves an upswing, the volatility associated with Bitcoins makes them something most of us should avoid. (Like going to Vegas and betting your life savings on the spin of a…

Christmas Eve Schedule and Petting Zoos

     This Christmas Eve is going to be meaningful for you and your household at CrossBridge. This Sunday morning, we’ll have one service at 10:00 a.m. Then, at 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., we’ll have two really special Christmas Eve services.      Not only are you going to be moved and inspired, but you’re going to have a great opportunity to invite someone…

Thomas Kinkade and Learning to Paint

   My three girls each got to go on a “by yourself” trip with my dad and mom when they reached the age of ten. It was a big deal, generally out of state, and always a surprise.      The destination for one of our girls was Red River, NM, a place my parents have known for years. One of the stops on that trip was to the Thomas Kinkade gallery. My parents had…

What Prophecy Can Look Like

     A soft spoken young woman came up to me after one of our Sunday gatherings and asked if she could share something encouraging with me. (Who would say no to that?) She said that during our gathering the Lord had brought a picture to mind of men that he had placed in her life as spiritual fathers and that I was one and she wanted to say thank you.      After that…

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