Posts by cbcc (Page 16)

Getting It or Not Getting It?

    This quote from Experiencing God really gets to the heart of the issue… “There is a world of difference between knowing something to be true in your head and experiencing the reality in your life…God does not merely want you to read about Him, He wants you to know Him. For the Greeks, to know something meant you understood a concept in your mind. It…

Superman is Coming!

    Okay, okay, I know Jaye Thomas isn’t Superman, but that’s what I think of every time I see this guy. He’s got super passion and his worship leading is both powerful and contagious. I couldn’t be more excited about his coming this Sunday.      Jaye will be leading worship this Sunday in both services and then leading Immerse on Sunday evening…

I Don’t Need God in Order to Live My Life

    Remember the Six P’s? See if you can name them without looking. Really, take a moment to try it. Here they are….(last chance to try to list them before I reveal them)…pain, power, pleasure, possessions, praise of people and…of course…pmoney.     If all I want to do…

God Really Answers the “Include Me” Prayer!

As people center their lives in what Father God is doing in the world, he loves to include them. I don’t have time to share all the stories people are sending me. Here are a few cool ones… “I prayed the include me prayer the night before and the next day at school I saw a girl…

Jesus and James Bond

     In almost every action movie ever filmed is a scene where the good guys rescue other good guys from the bad guys (sound familiar?). The good guys fight their way in and then, finding their comrades, they untie them and yell, “Come on, let’s get out of here!”      This is what Jesus is doing when he call us to deny ourselves in Luke 9:23. After his…

A Prayer for Experiencing God

     Lord, I want to know you more, to walk more closely with you, to hear your heart and know your ways. To discern what you’re doing and run to join you, letting every other priority be subject to your purposes for my being on earth.      In every venue, every context, with every person, I’m available. Include me! At work, at practice, at school, on the bus,…

Secret Inheritance

    Tell me the truth now…Wouldn’t it be nice if one day you got an email that said a long lost relative who had passed away had named you as their only heir, and you inherited millions of dollars? (If that happens, by the way….let me know.) A secret inheritance – one completely unexpected – that would be wonderful, wouldn’t it?     God…

Experiencing God?

    When you make an effort to draw closer to Jesus, he loves it! He rejoices that we’re taking him at his word and saying ‘yes’ to his invitation to know him more. It’s a costly invitation for which he gave his life. His heart leaps with joy at the prospect of us experiencing him–it’s part of redeeming his original creation.      But…

Do You Experience God?

Do you experience the presence of God in your life? Do you feel his nearness in the Holy Spirit? Do you sense his voice when you’re still and needing wisdom and direction? Do you know his comfort, his leading, his influence in your circumstances? Do you see evidence of his power in your ability to speak, think, and act differently? Do these statements sound foreign…

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