Getting It or Not Getting It?

    This quote from Experiencing God really gets to the heart of the issue…

There is a world of difference between knowing something to be true in your head and experiencing the reality in your life…God does not merely want you to read about Him, He wants you to know Him. For the Greeks, to know something meant you understood a concept in your mind. It was an academic process…In contrast, for a Hebrew person-like Jesus-knowing something entailed experiencing it…When Jesus spoke about knowing God, He was speaking as a Hebrew…Many people have grown up attending church and hearing about God all their lives, but they do not have a personal, dynamic, growing relationship with God. They never hear His voice. They have no idea what God’s will is. They do not encounter His love firsthand. They have no sense of divine purpose for their lives. They may know a lot about God, but they don’t really know Him.”
     Let’s not settle for anything less than a real–ever deepening–experience with Jesus. If you’re wanting this struggling, tell God you want to know him more. Share your struggle with your life group leader and ask for insight. Follow the guidance found in The Living Conversation document online. Investigate our Freedom Prayer ministry. God will meet you, I promise.
On the adventure with you,
Kirk Freeman

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