Experiencing God?

    When you make an effort to draw closer to Jesus, he loves it! He rejoices that we’re taking him at his word and saying ‘yes’ to his invitation to know him more. It’s a costly invitation for which he gave his life. His heart leaps with joy at the prospect of us experiencing him–it’s part of redeeming his original creation.

     But be prepared for opposition. We have a spiritual enemy who’s hellbent (literally) on keeping you from experiencing the presence and power of Jesus in your life. How does he do this? By seeking to influence your mind, will and emotions by manipulating your flesh. Last week when I began fasting for the sake of our church experiencing the power and presence of Jesus, I found myself inexplicably impatient and easily annoyed. (Hard to believe, right?!) After a couple of days and a couple of apologies to my family, I remembered the truth about spiritual warfare: When we go after God, Satan goes after us.
     My bet is that you’re going to experience some form of spiritual attack as you seek to experience God more. Maybe it will come in the form of discouragement, conflict or temptation–Satan customizes his attack to each of us. But don’t give up! Make time for being in the Word. Declare Scripture out loud over your life. Remember, the Truth has power in your life even if you’re the one saying it to yourself.
     I encourage you to take at least 15 minutes each day and meditate on the Scriptures that I’m going to be teaching from next Sunday. (Click here.) Keep asking God to bring Ephesians 1:17 to fruition in your life and remember, Jesus is for you and delights in you!
On the adventure with you,
Kirk Freeman

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