A Prayer for Experiencing God

     Lord, I want to know you more, to walk more closely with you, to hear your heart and know your ways. To discern what you’re doing and run to join you, letting every other priority be subject to your purposes for my being on earth.
     In every venue, every context, with every person, I’m available. Include me! At work, at practice, at school, on the bus, at rehearsal, in the laundry room, in my customer calls and meetings, and in my home, I give you room. I open up the door of my heart, giving you permission to have access to guide and direct my steps and my words for your priorities.
     I know you haven’t forgotten that I must meet certain goals to fulfill my obligations in my vocation or at school. In fact, these are opportunities for me to glorify you with excellence in my work and in my interactions with others. Work and school and neighborhood and home are stages on which you invite me into the very real story of redemption. These contexts are where you want to redeem, to heal, to bless. My every day life is the place where you want to be on display. This is where you want to include me. In each of these areas are people whom you deeply desire to know your love.
     I’m saying “Yes.” Enthusiastically, I say “Yes!” Make so much more of my life for your purposes! Let me know you more, love you more. I want to be re-amazed by your power, presence, love and majesty.
On the adventure with you,
Kirk Freeman

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