Kirk's Blog (Page 5)

Anxiety and Fear are not our Portion

This past Sunday, while we sang Confident by Steffany Gretzinger as a Church family, I was reminded of this truth: as children of God, anxiety and fear are not our portion. We should be the wildest and most carefree people on the planet, boasting about the power of our God! Christ came to set us free. Free from insomnia and panic attacks, to name a few. I know this is…

Texas Wind Turbines and Jesus

Welcome Guest Contributor, Matt Erbaugh. On a recent trip to the Texas coast, I was amazed at the number of wind turbines I saw as we neared the Gulf.  It made sense to have them there, the land is fairly vacant and most importantly, there is usually a lot of wind in that part of the state!  After all, you probably shouldn’t build a wind turbine in a place unless you’ve…

You’re Not Going to Believe This

One of the teams we sent out this summer headed to Uganda last week. Since arriving, much of their time has been invested in loving people in a huge Sudanese refugee camp. The team of 25 accompanies Sudanese believers and goes into the camp to pray, to love, to honor and to share the good news about Jesus. We don’t take food or money, just love. What happened yesterday…

Burgers, Bacon and the Kingdom of God

One of the things I love most about summer is that for most of us, it represents vacation time or at least a slower pace of life. I love going to the pool with friends or grilling out (Debbie makes this awesome burger: 50% ground beef, 50% bacon—wow, just wow.) In the Kingdom of God, though, summer can be so much more! Jesus loves to take all the things we love about…

Hide the Word in Your Heart

 One of the challenges I want you to join me in this summer is memorizing scripture. As we walk through Colossians, I want you to pick one verse from each week’s reading plan and commit it to memory. Filling your mind with scripture is like saving money for a rainy day: When it’s needed, it’s right there. As you find 10 verses to memorize over the course of…

True Not True

Even in the earliest days of the Church after the Holy Spirit came to live within those who trust Jesus, the Church had to guard against false teachings put forward by passionate, convincing heretics. These false teachers were called Gnostics (pronounced “nah-stick”) and taught that to be truly enlightened a person needed a special, higher knowledge that could only be…

What You Really Need

Good communication is at the root of every intimate relationship we have. This is also true for our relationship with Jesus. Our soul desperately needs to hear his spiritual voice. In fact, we can’t follow Jesus or really know him without this. When we (and our kids) begin to experience Jesus speaking through the Holy Spirit and the Word, our relationship with him comes…

Thank You for Showing Me How to Hear God

Not too long ago, I got a letter from one of my daughters. She’s in her 20’s, in college now and all grown up. (Assuming I keep sending her money!) Her note to me was kind and encouraging, expressing her gratitude to me for being her dad. It was the kind of letter you save instead of reading and throwing away.  The most meaningful thing she said was, “Thanks for…

Making the Most of Summer

Summer has a way of derailing us spiritually. Everything seems to loosen up a little and our normal schedules and pace slack up. The problem can be that our pursuit of Jesus can slack up, too, and that’s a never a good thing. Our next teaching series will focus on Making the Most of Summer. We’ll look at ways you can simply but intentionally keep walking with Jesus, so…

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