Anxiety and Fear are not our Portion

This past Sunday, while we sang Confident by Steffany Gretzinger as a Church family, I was reminded of this truth: as children of God, anxiety and fear are not our portion. We should be the wildest and most carefree people on the planet, boasting about the power of our God!
Christ came to set us free. Free from insomnia and panic attacks, to name a few. I know this is true because He set me free after more than a year of not being able to sleep and cycles of constant panic attacks. In its place, He filled me with confident joy and boundless faith! 
He knows our need before we ask Him. But it took me being honest with Him. I told Him all wasn’t well with my soul. Then, I simply asked Him to help me exchange the anger and fear I was holding onto for love and faith. HE WILL DO IT! He can shoulder even our biggest burdens. His JOY can truly be our strength. 
Would you join me this week in asking the Father for JOY in and through our lives? We can ask him this because He loves to give good gifts to His children! We are not designed to do it alone. He doesn’t expect us to. He wants to come alongside us and lead us back to the simplicity of trusting Him like a child. Reach out to a friend at life group this week and pray together, asking for more faith and joy!
I can’t wait to hear how the Lord has lifted your burdens and filled you with joy! Please share your testimony with me sometime, you know where to find me. 

Bryan McCleery, Worship Pastor

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