Kirk's Blog (Page 26)

Easter Weekend: 32 Days to Go

     Can you imagine how different our fellowship would be, how different Sundays would feel, if our whole church was living for the sake of God’s kingdom and loving the lost? I want us to pray for our church to taste and see that the Lord is good, that living wholly abandoned to him is the place of greatest abundance. Easter Sunday is one of…

Easter Ahead

     I’ve been asking the Lord for his direction for how I should be interceding for our church in prayer. Over the weeks leading up to Easter, I believe he wants to increase the intimacy with which we know him and to increase our love of his presence and ways, and to increase our love of the lost.      We need him to remove…

Worth Going After

     Sometimes we can find ourselves in a dry place spiritually. We know it’s dry because we remember what it felt like when we were closer to Jesus. The ironic thing is, even though we don’t like the dry place, we often can’t seem to find the will to do something about it, or better stated perhaps, the “something” that…

Spiritual Maturity and Suffering

     If you were with us at our gathering this past Sunday, you know we spoke about Colossians 1:24-29. Here are just a few thoughts that have been stirring in me. As you read them, consider with whom you might share them. Who in your life needs to know one or more of these?…   •  Spiritual maturity is measured not by the number of…

Budget and Annual Report

     Every year it’s good to look back and see what God has done. As we begin our 12th year as a fellowship, it’s amazing to consider how God has let us join him as he changes the lives of people. Here are just a few of the recent highlights: ·         Escuela Viva, our child sponsorship ministry, supports over…

A Time to Laugh, a Time to Cry, a Time to Catch Up

In Ecclesiastes you find the famous monologue of Solomon about there being a time for everything. I don’t often say this, but I want to ask you to take time to catch up. Our walk through the book Colossians has been significant and I think you need to catch up with is if you’ve missed.…

Go for the More

     A few years back I got a letter in the mail from American Airlines informing me that my miles were expiring. (Don’t travel much now, but when I was in the corporate world, I did a lot of flying.) When I looked at how many miles were expiring, I was surprised to find that there were enough for two round trip tickets and a rental car for six…

So Much, So Little

    So much, so little describes how I feel about our study of Colossians. There’s so much God has for us in Colossians, but I’m always a little frustrated by only having 30 minutes on Sunday to teach (okay, okay, so it’s 40+ minutes.) The only way around this problem is either for me to teach longer (Can I get an Amen?) or for you to be…

Mario Brothers Where Are You?

     You know how almost every video game has some sort of bonus power or way to get more “life”? You run over something or pick some heart object up, hear a little chiming noise and there you have it…more power. How sweet life would be if we could run over to HEB and pick up a little more power or maybe drive our car over a glowing…

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