Kirk's Blog (Page 25)

Prophecy and Tongues

     I’ve got some pastor friends who, upon hearing about my preaching on 1 Cor. 14, might ask, “Are you crazy!?” They’d probably rather teach on tithing and lust (two other crowd favorites…just kidding).      One thing I’ve come to find great comfort in is simply teaching verse by verse through…

Theological Offense

     Several times in my life I’ve encountered a bit of theological offense. I feel it when I’m presented with something that challenges my understanding of God and how he does things. I’ve found three reasons for the sense of offense I’ve felt. Sometimes it’s because……

Supreme Court, Women’s Retreat, Man Night

     Tuesday, April 28, the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against redefining marriage and making it a federal law to allow homosexual couples the right to marry regardless of what individual states decide. I want to encourage you to pray that the Lord will direct the…


     Do you sense God’s stirring these past two Sundays in our gatherings and in your life group discussions? When we start talking about who the Holy Spirit is and what he does, he almost always starts moving even as we’re talking. He’s such a good and wise teacher.      If I could, I’d make the last two…

Learning to Walk in the Spirit

   Someone told me once, “You can’t flesh your way into a deeper spiritual life.” Hearing this brought a great sense of relief for me because deep down, I think I felt that following Jesus was mainly about trying harder, doing more. When I assessed my life, I realized “trying harder” had never brought me much sense of freedom and…

Let’s give Easter away again…this week

     There was such a spirit of joy in our gathering this past Sunday! So many of you had been praying, serving and inviting people on your oikos to join–it was awesome! So I have an idea…let’s do it again this week! I’m being serious. Let’s give…

Easter and Taco Cabana

    I’ve invited four friends to our Easter celebrations on Sunday. I’ve been praying for them this week, and I’ll be in the Prayer Room Saturday night, crying out for their salvation. I’ve spent time this week outside talking with some of them who are neighbors, and I made a point to eat at a particular Taco Cabana three times where…

Crazy Good!

     Last Sunday as we began to give Easter away, the response was crazy good! We now have 700 boxes being filled with food for the Children’s Hunger Fund–300 more and we’ll hit our goal of 1,000. We also had tons of people sign up for our 40-hour prayer room and also to serve on Easter Sunday, plus we’ve had to go back to press…

Easter Weekend Schedule

     I’m confident that the Lord desires to do something powerful this Easter through our yieldedness. He’s got a number of people that he’s been loving and drawing to the edge of eternal life that I think he’s going to usher over the line into eternity with him. I so want to be part of this! How about you? Let’s begin by…

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