Supreme Court, Women’s Retreat, Man Night

     Tuesday, April 28, the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against redefining marriage and making it a federal law to allow homosexual couples the right to marry regardless of what individual states decide. I want to encourage you to pray that the Lord will direct the nine justices and intervene with mercy on our nation.

     I’m not interested in becoming “political,” but I’m keenly interested in glorifying God and loving people. Momentous decisions impacting our nation and its alignment with God are being made. God has promised wisdom for those who ask him, committing to give it without finding fault. Pray that our judges will ask for his wisdom and believe in his trustworthiness to grant it.

    On a separate note, many of our women are preparing for their retreat this weekend. Let’s pray for them and what the Lord has for them. He has wonderful plans to bless abundantly.

    Men, tomorrow is the last day to sign up for Man Night this Saturday, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Come meet new friends, eat some meat, and engage in a time of teaching and table discussions. It’ll be low key and comfortable.  Childcare is provided. RSVP by clicking here.


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