Kirk's Blog (Page 18)

It Used to Bug the Heck Out Me

    When I was growing up, my family had a tradition that used to really bug me. At Thanksgiving and the New Year, when we sat down for dinner, my dad would ask each of us to share something for which we were thankful. (In my teenage mind I’m sure I was thinking, “I’m thankful that there will be a day when I don’t have to do this every…

Your Post-Election Life

    Nobody seems all that happy. I’ve talked to lots of people post-election and while the Clinton voters are despondent, even the ones who voted for Trump are wondering if they’ve really won. Here’s a great reminder to close out our Jesus for President series…   Do not put your trust in [presidents], in human beings, who cannot…

How’s It Going?

   How’s you’re week going? Are your eyes fixed on Jesus or did the busyness of life bite you? I’m only asking because I love you and I want to be one of the people in your life that spurs you on to all that Jesus has for you. Remember, I’m in this “life” thing with you. I’m susceptible to all the same distractions and…

I Voted Today

    Today I voted and I as I stood in line for close to an hour, I looked at people ahead of me and behind me and I was thankful. I was thankful that I could do what I was doing without fear of retribution or antagonism. Even though there were people voting differently than me, a group of eight of us talked together about life for most of the time we were together in…

Eyes Fixed on Jesus

    So far this election year I’ve been able to sidestep volatile conversations about the candidates and the issues. That’s not to say I haven’t been around some opinionated people; I’ve been around plenty,  including myself, but I’ve not gotten embroiled in tense or heated dialogue about the election. Hebrews 12 is part of the reason.    …

Jesus For President

     One time some religious leader types were trying to trap Jesus by presenting him a challenging question, “Should the Jews pay taxes?” If Jesus answers, “No,” then the Herodians (puppets of the Roman Empire) would arrest him for treason. If Jesus answers, “Yes,” then Jesus is discredited among the Jews by subjugating himself to the…

Know My Heart

     One of God’s most generous gifts to me is including me in your spiritual growth. I know I’m just one of God’s many assistants, but it’s such a sweet privilege to get to walk alongside you and your household as we follow Jesus. I want to lead humbly and to serve well.      At CrossBridge, we’re not following me or any other pastor.…

Get Into Pro Wrestling!

     Do I have any professional wrestling fans out there? (It’s okay to admit it, this is a safe place.) Every now and then the “minor league” of pro wrestling would come to my hometown of Waco. My mom never let me go to an event, but I would see the outrageous commercials on TV. One of the main attractions promoted was the tag team event. Four crazy…

The Mirror

     What do you see when you look in the mirror? Look beyond the physical. Look deeper into your worth and value. Is your initial thought about yourself positive or negative? No doubt your opinion of yourself fluctuates from day to day. Lots of things bombard your identity and self esteem. This is precisely why Paul reminds us to renew our minds–to renew…

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