Kirk's Blog (Page 15)

More, More, More

For a pastor, tracking the Sunday attendance and focusing on increasing it can be addictive. Always wanting to see “more” people coming can become an overriding focus. While I have to be on guard against this, a couple of years ago, the Lord did something significant in me.      The Lord made me a promise that he was going to give CrossBridge…

Racers, Start Your Engines!

This Sunday we start our walk through the book of John. I’ve been rereading it and am super pumped about what the Lord wants to say to us. I’m always amazed at how every time I get content with where I am with the Lord, he reveals that he has even more for me…and for you, too! Our enemy loves to make make much of our shortcomings; he wants us to feel…

Boat Crash Survival

I got this email from Jason Phillips, a CrossBridger, who survived a night time boating accident when his boat ran aground and he was hurled out of it. He gave me permission to share it. Good morning Pastor Kirk: Your message last Sunday stirred so many emotions from my accident.  As you were going through the part about building your house on a foundation of Christ vs…

John Knows Jesus

Out of all of Jesus’ disciples, John might have known him best of all. You can see it in the way John writes and in the confidence that John has in being loved by Jesus. John just got it.     On May 21, we’re starting a 13-week series that will carry us through the summer to the start of school. It’s called Walking with Jesus and it’ll take through…

Follow up on Suicide Teaching

CrossBridge Family,      This past Sunday we focused on suicide, how God views it and the consequences for a believer. If you missed the message, I think you need to watch/listen to it. (Click here.)      Hopelessness and loneliness almost always precede suicide. Our culture is ripe with this because we so value individualism and independence. People can be inundated with…

Easter is Just the Beginning!

Easter really is just the beginning. It was the beginning of the end of sin, the beginning of new life and new power for us in the Holy Spirit. It’s also like the kick off for the church each year. We did a super job of loving and inviting our friends and neighbors to come experience the joy of Jesus and his people on Easter, but it’s just the beginning.…

Time to Suit Up, Family!

We’re in the countdown to Easter and I’m excited! God wants to include us in how powerful heart-level work. Keep praying and don’t forget our weekend schedule: 40-Hour Prayer Room: Come intercede for those who don’t know Jesus’ love. The prayer room will be in Building A from 4:00p.m. Friday, all through Saturday and Sunday at 8:00 a.m. We…

A Chance to be a Family for Real

    During our Experiencing God series, we’ve talked a lot about praying the Include Me prayer. Much of the time, though, I’ve been speaking about it singular perspective–how Jesus wants to include you personally. But God has something even bigger going on. He wants to include us all in something as a family.     This Easter, Jesus wants us to band…

The Old Couch

   Once when Debbie and I ordered a new couch, we realized, almost on the day of its delivery, that we needed to move our old couch to make room for the new one. Every time God calls us to obey, he’s leading us to place of greater blessing. Yes, it may seem like sacrifice in the moment, but really, it’s like getting rid of the old couch to receive a new one.  …

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