Follow up on Suicide Teaching

CrossBridge Family,
     This past Sunday we focused on suicide, how God views it and the consequences for a believer. If you missed the message, I think you need to watch/listen to it. (Click here.)
     Hopelessness and loneliness almost always precede suicide. Our culture is ripe with this because we so value individualism and independence. People can be inundated with shallow relationships via texting and social media, yet still be unknown at the level where hopelessness and loneliness reside. It’s that lonely-but-never-alone thing.
     One of the answers is for us to be the church. Not for us to merely come to church on Sundays, but rather to fulfill the mission of the church as described in the New Testament. It’s what we do in our life groups.
     The key difference between Sunday morning and a life group is that in a life group a person is known. When they’re known, they can be discipled. When they’re known, they can use their gifts to bless others. When they’re known they generally don’t get divorced, commit suicide or walk off the deep end in some other way. When they’re known, their family and other relationships are healthier. That’s the blessing and the power of the church.
     The stronger we are in our commitment to actually be the church, the greater the impact we will have in our community and the world and the more glory we’ll bring Jesus.
On the adventure with you,
Kirk Freeman

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