Kirk's Blog (Page 13)

Holiness and Sexual Harassment

Just today a major news anchor was fired for alleged sexual harassment. He’s the latest in a long line that keeps getting longer. I don’t have much space here, but I want to make several important points: Women, you are fearfully and wonderfully made! You are not objects for the gratification of men. You deserve to be treated with the honor befitting daughters…

Shootings, Safety and the Mission of Christ

     In light of the shooting at First Baptist Sutherland Springs, someone asked me how the church is supposed to balance the priority of keeping people safe while still engaging in it’s mission to love people. Both priorities are important.      Regarding physical safety, we have two uniformed police officers on campus every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. We…

Spiritual First Aid Training: November 10-11th

     As your pastor, my deep desire is to help you live the abundant life Jesus offers…and, I want to equip you to help others to do the same. Three of the most common things that keep us from reaching our potential are shame, fear and anger. In fact, I bet that one of those three probably…

Life in the Snow Globe

When I was a kid, I received a snow globe from a classmate as a Christmas gift. It had a couple of little figures in it who were ice skating, surrounded by pine trees, with a reindeer watching them. (Yes, I remember the weirdest things.) The cool thing was to shake it and watch the “snow” fall slowly on the scene and imagine what living in the globe would feel…

World Mandate 2018

One of the most significant experiences to which Debbie and I exposed our children was the World Mandate Conference. Every year in February, we’d drive to Waco to Baylor’s Ferrell Center to hear the most inspiring stories of God’s power throughout the world.      This conference was part of opening our daughter’s eyes (and mine and Debbie’s)…

Praying for Vegas

Like you, I was shocked to awaken on Monday to hear of the horrendous shooting in Las Vegas and the number of those killed and injured. As I watched the news, I had trouble wrapping my head around what I was hearing…59 people dead…maybe more…500+ injured. It’s stating the obvious for me to say that the world is becoming an increasingly dark place.…

Easy and Hard at the Same Time

Abiding in Jesus is both hard and easy at the same time. It’s hard because even though we have the presence of the Holy Spirit within us as followers of Jesus, we still contend with what Paul calls the flesh nature (Romans 8:5-17). This flesh nature acts contrary to the ways of the Holy Spirit within us, urging us to take control and do things our own way.  The…

What’s New at CrossBridge This Week!

Ablaze Passion is January 1-3, 2018. Sign up here Global Impact is November 17-19th – Sign up here today! Children’s Ministry: Would you like to volunteer to serve in Children’s Ministry? Please contact Christie for more information Fall Family Dance : Join us for dancing, dessert, raffle prizes, face painting, bounce house and fun for the whole family!…

Abiding in Jesus

Jesus referred to God as Father more than any other name. He clearly wants us to know what God is like and how he wants us to relate to him. So the logical question would be: Do you experience God as Father? Sometimes it’s hard to experience or understand God as Father. Some of us may have to release our current definition of what a father is, especially if our…

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