Holiness and Sexual Harassment

Just today a major news anchor was fired for alleged sexual harassment. He’s the latest in a long line that keeps getting longer. I don’t have much space here, but I want to make several important points:
  • Women, you are fearfully and wonderfully made! You are not objects for the gratification of men. You deserve to be treated with the honor befitting daughters of the King. Don’t give in to any other view of yourselves. If you are currently struggling with painful past experiences, know that CrossBridge is a safe place for the Lord to heal those hurts. Please investigate our Freedom Prayer Ministry to see if it feels like a safe next step for you.
  • Men, we can and must be better. We have the opportunity and responsibility to bring the King glory by treating his daughters with honor and purity as he commands in 1 Timothy 5. Will the King not hold accountable those who mistreat his daughters? He promises multiple times in the Bible to right every wrong and to hold us accountable for our actions. This isn’t condemnation, this is accountability. Let’s make right any wrongs we have committed against others. Let’s commit to walk in freedom and accountability.
  • Our children need help processing the current discussion. While I hope our young ones can make it through without having to face the hard reality of perverted sexuality, odds are that we parents are going to have talks with our kids that we never imagined. Remember, Jesus is on your side. He has power and wisdom, and he’s eager to accompany you as you broach sensitive topics with your kids.
  • We must guard ourselves against the enemy. The media often describes cases of sexual harassment with disturbing detail. Be on your guard. Even as we “keep up with the news,” our enemy is looking for ways to tempt us or trigger a painful past. He never stops. It’s okay to not read every account.

These points don’t cover the issue and one newsletter doesn’t solve the problem. My aim is to bring the discussion into our context and to keep it there. As the world sees us live differently, Jesus will be glorified.


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