What’s New at CrossBridge This Week!


  • Passion is January 1-3, 2018. Sign up here
  • Global Impact is November 17-19th – Sign up here today!

Children’s Ministry: Would you like to volunteer to serve in Children’s Ministry? Please contact Christie for more information

Fall Family Dance : Join us for dancing, dessert, raffle prizes, face painting, bounce house and fun for the whole family! $30 per family & $5 for adults with no children in attendance to support the MOPS/MomsNext Ministry.  6:30 PM Saturday, Oct. 7th @ CrossBridge. Register here.

Hurricane Harvey Relief: Please join us on Sunday September 24th in the main sanctuary for a fun family activity to support the families affected by Hurricane Harvey. You can come anytime from 1:00pm to 5:00pm (or come and stay the entire time!). We will be making Baskets of Hope and homemade cards of encouragement, love, and support. Supplies will be provided. Each basket includes laundry detergent pods, rolls of quarters for the laundromat, a laundry bag, and hangers. This is an excellent opportunity to include your children in a local outreach event. Light refreshments will be provided. If you have any question please email Katie Yancosek.


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