Kirk's Blog (Page 10)

Bugs on My Windshield

     In preparation for our vacation back in June, I’d gotten the car washed and vacuumed and cleaned out of all the stuff that seems to clutter up our cars on a regular basis. Everything was neat and in order as we headed out west on I-10, driving the long, straight, desolate road that stretches to Big Bend. By the time we arrived about six hours later, our car…

Outta My Groove

     Summer has as way of knocking us out of our groove. We stay up later…if we have kids, we don’t have to get up as early…often the pace of the office slackens some…and then there’s vacation. While all of this can be good, one of the first that takes a hit is our time of renewing our mind with the Holy Spirit and the Word.      Whenever I…

Is Freedom Ringing in You

    The 4th of July ought to be one our favorite days-we were made for freedom! The happiness and celebration that accompany exploding fireworks ought to be a reflection of the joy inside us who know Jesus personally. I’m not trying to go “all spiritual” on you; I’m trying to help us see reality. We are free!      Despite the hardships and the…

Get on the Train

     One of the best things about CrossBridge is we’re always going somewhere. We’ve never been a church that’s “all about Sunday morning.” Sure, our Sunday gatherings are important (I love them), but the measure of our success is how our Sunday gatherings spur us on to live for Jesus the other six days of the week.      Here’s an…

Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade

     Debbie and I were saddened, during our vacation, to learn of the suicides of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade. It wasn’t many weeks ago that a young middle school student in north San Antonio likewise took his life.     While I didn’t know any of these people or their struggles personally, I know this: Hopelessness and loneliness almost always precede…


     The #MeToo movement is revealing the brokenness of men in every generation and in every walk of life. The outrage against misogyny may have first gained prominence as powerful men in Hollywood were brought to account, but now the spotlight of accounting is being pointed on men all across the board, including pastors and religious leaders, and rightfully so.      I…

The Fulfillment of Prophesy

     I’m loving our series on the book of Acts. It all hinges on Jesus’ prophecy and promise in Acts 1:8 in which he said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” Jesus is utterly committed to all people hearing the good news of…

Your Next Step for Growing in Christ

       Over the past year, we’ve been working with Antioch Church in Waco and have adopted their model to develop the CrossBridge Discipleship School starting in September 2018.          The goal is to offer you the chance to invest in a year of systematic teaching in the classroom combined with community and mission experiences to help you discover God’s…

Is There Anything More?

      One of the things I love most about CrossBridge is we’ve developed a pathway to help you along your entire life with Jesus. Whether you’re new in your faith or have been progressing in maturity…whether you’re young like a baby or old…regardless of your life stage we’ve together created a pathway to help you grow spiritually.…

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