Is There Anything More?

      One of the things I love most about CrossBridge is we’ve developed a pathway to help you along your entire life with Jesus. Whether you’re new in your faith or have been progressing in maturity…whether you’re young like a baby or old…regardless of your life stage we’ve together created a pathway to help you grow spiritually. You’ll never be left asking, “Isn’t there anything more?” The answer is always, “Yes!”
   One of the biggest “Yes’s” we offer is the CrossBridge Discipleship School. It’s a nine-month school that combines classroom lecture, personal disciple making, and outreach experiences to take you to a new level of commitment and passion for Jesus. It’s a big commitment, but like anything significant, the more you give, the more you get back. My hope is that everyone at CrossBridge would enroll at some time – pastors included! (Debbie and I personally went through it two years ago.)

   The deadline for enrolling is June 3. Click here to find out all the details and register online.
On the adventure with you,

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