Outta My Groove

     Summer has as way of knocking us out of our groove. We stay up later…if we have kids, we don’t have to get up as early…often the pace of the office slackens some…and then there’s vacation. While all of this can be good, one of the first that takes a hit is our time of renewing our mind with the Holy Spirit and the Word.
     Whenever I drop this renewal time, I drift into impatience, worry and I’m more easily frustrated. (Know what I mean?) In fact, within just a day or two, I start seeing these things begin to emerge in me. It’s kind of like trying to carry water in basket – it always leaks out. I’m like that. My patience, gentleness, and self control all begin to leak out. The only way I stay filled up is by giving Jesus time to renew my mind. Here are some ways I do this… maybe they’ll help you:
  • Time in the Word and listening to the Holy Spirit. Here’s a short video in which I describe this.
  • I stay connected to the people of CrossBridge by weekly reading in the Book of Acts.
  • If I miss a Sunday, like this past week, I watch the service live online or recorded.
  • I always have a passage of Scripture that I’m memorizing. This keeps the truth floating around in my mind. Currently I’m memorizing Romans 8:1-4.
  • Check out this 8-minute excerpt from Darryl Evett’s teaching last Sunday…powerful!
     These are just some of the ways I keep from being knocked out of my groove. It takes effort, but staying close to Jesus always pays off. He’s so generous to guard my heart and my mind. He’ll do the same for you.

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