CrossBridge 40-Day Fast

On Tuesday of this week, CrossBridge jumped into a 40-day fast leading up to Easter. Our goal isn’t just to deprive ourselves of things our bodies want, but rather to turn down the volume of the world so we can turn up the intensity of our pursuit of a deeper friendship with Jesus. 

If you missed last Sunday, you can hear the explanation how fasting helps develop intimacy with Jesus by clicking here. I hope to see Jesus bring a deeper passion in our hearts for him and his purposes. 

Do you want to see CrossBridge be the radiant, beautiful bride God designed her to be? We want to see the spirit of evangelism flow through us, to our friends, neighbors, family, and the world. We’re asking him to bring people from death to life over this time leading up to Easter. 

If you’d like to receive more information about the fast and the different kind of fasts available, text the word “FAST“ to 210–899-6318. You’ll receive daily text messages with encouragement and support.

On the adventure with you,

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