My Kind of Church

In a week or so, I’ll be presenting our Annual Report. It summarizes everything Jesus did in us and through us as a church–you’re going to be impressed! Jesus was generous to us, including us in over 300 people responding to the gospel in 2018….over 800 children sponsored through our Escuela Viva school program in Reynosa…but I’m getting ahead of myself.
My point is, CrossBridge is going somewhere–we’re doing things that are significant in the Kingdom. Jesus knows we’ll always say “Yes!” to him, so he keeps including us in the things that are most special to his heart. This is exactly the kind of church I want to be part of.
To do all we do requires sacrifices. We give up one thing in order to take hold of another thing of greater value. We’re really not making sacrifices, we’re making investments.
That’s what First Gift is all about. This year-end missions offering funds much of what we do to build the kingdom of God both locally and globally. With one week to go in the year, together we’ve given $49,700 toward our $208,000 goal.
It’s not too late to pray and obey whatever the Lord tells you to give. Our steps of faith together–both big and small–are what make CrossBridge a church after God’s own heart. If you’d like to give online using a debit card, click here. You may also bring a check on Sunday or mail it in postmarked before December 31. Whatever we give, Jesus will make much of it!
On the Adventure with you,

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