Calling All Men

     Guys (or women who read this for their husbands), our Awesome Annual Men’s Retreat is coming Oct. 26-28. You’ve got to come to this. Every year this weekend gets bigger and better. Every year disconnected men make friends that spur them on for years to come. Every year we see men have breakthroughs and powerful spiritual encounters that change the course of generations.

     The retreat is planned by guys and it’s for guys. It’s not about crafts and decor (more power to you, ladies). It’s about good food, great friends and being real. It’s about finding out how we can take hold of the promises of God and be the men that he and we want us to be.

     It’s two nights at Mo Ranch near Kerrville and worth every penny. You can register by clicking here. The Early Bird registration is about to end, so don’t put it off. Sometimes guys are in a tight financial situation. If that’s you, just reply back to this email and we can help with a partial scholarship. I want every guy to come. Don’t worry if you can’t make it right on time or have to work—come when you can. We’ll be ready to welcome you!

On the adventure with you,



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