Give Easter Away!

     We’re going to have 2,000 people be with us on Easter, many of whom may be experiencing the body of Christ for the only time this year. We want all these people to feel the love they’ll hearus talking about. I’m hoping you’ll be part of Team CrossBridge to help make this happen. Here are the top 5 things we need to show love…

  1. Park as far away as you can to give our guests the best spots.
  2. Invite, invite, invite! Pick up some of Easter egg invitations this Sunday and hand them out.
  3. Be joyful and introduce yourself to anyone you don’t know on Sunday.
  4. Follow us on social media using Instagram or Facebook.
  5. Serve 1 Attend 1…Pick a service to serve as part of our Welcome Team or in our Children’s Area. Sign up by texting the word “Welcome” or “Children” to 210-348-3769.
      Remember, our goal isn’t just to get more people to come to CrossBridge; it’s for people to feel the love of Jesus and know that he’s real. Jesus is letting us be part of what’s most precious to his heart. Come Sunday for more info and to be part of Team CrossBridge!
On the adventure with you,

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