More People Are Going to Heaven!

     Do you remember that last week I told you that 100 CrossBridgers were going out in two different teams? One to Reynosa and one to the Southside of San Antonio. I had asked you to join me in covering these teams in prayer because it’s not just in the “going” that God works, but also in the “praying.” Both teams are back now and here’s just a little of what happened…

  • 21 people put their trust in Jesus!
  • Many of these obeyed Jesus in baptism and began learning to study the Bible.
  • Seeds of the gospel were planted in many others.
  • Two homes were built for families in extreme poverty.
  • 30 children in our Escuela Viva program were amazed and affirmed that their CrossBridge sponsors came all the way to Mexico to see them.
  • CrossBridge families got to show their children God’s heart for the nations.
     Father God loves this! He loves when we join him in loving others-and he loves to share with us the sweet, sweet joy of seeing someone discover how much he loves them.
     These kinds of experiences happen because we pray, give and go. This is the heart of our church-because it’s the heart of Jesus. Getting to be in a church with people like you is part of the reason I never get bored or burned out or discouraged (at least not for very long!)…because we’re running together, excited to be with Jesus.
    I’ll share more with you this Sunday, but I couldn’t wait until then to relate some of the good news.
On the adventure with you,

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