Easter: We Need a Little Help!

   We always have trouble estimating how many people are going to attend each of our three Sunday services. Our main concern is that we want our guests to have a great experience. To that end I want to ask you, as part of Team CrossBridge, to be willing to help in a couple of specific ways…

  1. Show up a little early to the service you’re attending. Remember, the first 10 minutes of the service is a fellowship time with kolaches and coffee. We need to be there before our guests do so we can welcome them in.
  2. Don’t linger in the lobby. The lobby gets filled up fast and can make a guest feel overwhelmed. Let’s move on in to the gym and, even better, on over to the deck where the kolaches and coffee will be. Get something to eat and starting loving on people. We want them to feelthe love they hear us talking about.
  3. Be willing to move to the overflow seating. In case we have more people than our gym can fit, we have set up a video venue in Building B. Look at the screens and if you see the word “overflow” appear, that’s your cue to hop up and move to Building B with Pastor Shawn.
All this is part of how we give Easter away for Jesus’ sake!
On the adventure with you,

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