
Posts from March 2018

Easter: We Need a Little Help!

   We always have trouble estimating how many people are going to attend each of our three Sunday services. Our main concern is that we want our guests to have a great experience. To that end I want to ask you, as part of Team CrossBridge, to be willing to help in a couple of specific ways… Show up a little early to the service you’re attending. Remember, the…

Give Easter Away!

     We’re going to have 2,000 people be with us on Easter, many of whom may be experiencing the body of Christ for the only time this year. We want all these people to feel the love they’ll hearus talking about. I’m hoping you’ll be part of Team CrossBridge to help make this happen. Here are the top 5 things we need to show love… Park as far…

More People Are Going to Heaven!

     Do you remember that last week I told you that 100 CrossBridgers were going out in two different teams? One to Reynosa and one to the Southside of San Antonio. I had asked you to join me in covering these teams in prayer because it’s not just in the “going” that God works, but also in the “praying.” Both teams are back now and…

Two Teams Heading Out

     This weekend, we’re sending out 100 people in two teams to bring the love of Jesus to people. One team heads to Reynosa to build two homes and be servants of the people living in a colonia on the banks of the Rio Grande, just inside the Mexican border. Another team, called Kindle, heads to a Southside trailer park to host a sports camp and a Back Yard Bible…

Sunday Service Streaming Now! Click Here To Watch

First Sunday Service Live Broadcast In: