Peer into the Heart of CrossBridge

Every now and then there’s an opportunity to really peek into the heart of CrossBridge and see what it’s all about. When you do, you see an expression of the body of Christ who is passionate about worshipping him and walking with him wherever he goes. You see a church who loves the next generation and wants their children and students to not just hear about Jesus, but to hear from Jesus. You see a group of people who feel so loved by Jesus that we live our lives so others can know his love, too.

World Mandate Conference is a chance to peer into the heart of CrossBridge. This conference is an opportunity to step into the middle of what we’re all about. It’s one of the few things we do as a “whole church” and it’s powerful. I really want you to come. I want you to bring your family. You and your kids 6th-12th are going to encounter Jesus in the main conference as they listen to world-changers like Michael Miller who founded Upper Room, which produces much of the worship music we sing. Your younger ones are going to walk into our Global Village and experience what it’s like to travel to a foreign country with the love of Jesus.

Join Debbie and me at World Mandate this year February 7-8. You can register at by clicking the button for the San Antonio location.

On the adventure with you,

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