Merry Christmas not Creepy Christmas

People that are already part of a church almost always underestimate how much guests measure a church by how welcome they feel. We might think that guests want more space so they can “evaluate” their church experience. But it’s not true. Over and over surveys show people want to belong. If they wanted to be alone, they’d have stayed home. At Christmas this is even more true.

Don’t get me wrong, we want to respect people’s personal space—we don’t want to make it a Creepy Christmas—but everybody who shows up at CrossBridge on Sunday is secretly hoping someone friendly will engage them. So…let’s do it! Let’s be warm and friendly. Be the initiator…say hello…remember names…be friendly!

Make plans to be at one of our three Christmas Eve services. All three are going to be special and a lot of fun—for real! The first two (3:00 and 4:30 p.m.) will be filled with Christmas carols and every child will get a costume and get to come on stage for the most special—and restless—nativity scene you’ve ever seen. We’ll have glow sticks for the kids…and a petting zoo afterwards. Bring your neighbors!

At the 6:00 p.m. service, kids will still love it, but the service will be a bit more subdued with the telling of a Christmas story that shares the gospel in a compelling way. (Still have a petting zoo!)

Who can you bring? Remember, this might just be the moment Jesus changes someone’s life forever. Let’s ask him to include us!

On the adventure with you,


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