Your Next Step for Growing in Christ

       Over the past year, we’ve been working with Antioch Church in Waco and have adopted their model to develop the CrossBridge Discipleship School starting in September 2018.

         The goal is to offer you the chance to invest in a year of systematic teaching in the classroom combined with community and mission experiences to help you discover God’s calling for your life and to be equipped to live it out.
         One of the distinctive characteristics of the school is that it combines study and teaching with community and experience. We want to go beyond knowledge and into the realm of application. In the school, you’ll be stretched to go deeper in relationships through a discipleship group and reaching out to others. You’re going to grow like never before and I think your life will be changed forever. (Debbie and I went through the school personally and loved it.)
         Here’s a link to the application and the deadline is June 5th, so time is running out. The school is 9 months and the tuition includes local outreaches, our kick off retreat and the Kindle outreach (you’ll learn all about this). I can’t think of anything you do this next year that would have a bigger impact on your life.
On the adventure with you,

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