Just Getting Started

     This past Sunday we began our series through the Book of Acts. If you missed, you’re not behind; we’re just getting started, so jump on in.
     Our walk through Acts gives you the chance to re-engage with God if you’ve wandered off in some way. Or, if you’d describe your faith walk as stagnate, Acts has the answer. The God of Acts is your God and he wants you to experience more of him! Wherever you are in your spiritual journey and whatever you may have experienced, the Holy Spirit has more for us! This is perhaps the most exciting part of following Jesus-there’s always more.
     On a sad note, I want to share that Caleen Williams will no longer be serving in the role of Children’s Pastor. I love Caleen and appreciate her heart and her passion, but after several months of dialog and diligently working together, we arrived at the conclusion that this role is not the best fit for her. Unfortunately, at this time CrossBridge doesn’t have another suitable role and so Caleen will no longer be a member of our staff. I’m grateful for the time I’ve had working with Caleen and greatly respect her giftedness and strong faith. I’m a better pastor for having been around Caleen.
     For the interim, our capable Children’s Ministry Team will continue to lead us in our Sunday morning ministry, our scheduled trainings, and the planning of our big summer events. Meanwhile, I’ll be working with our leaders to develop a plan for seeking the right person for the very important role of Children’s Pastor. While I regret having to make this announcement, I’m genuinely excited about the next step for CrossBridge. I’ve spoken with each member of the Children’s Ministry Team and they feel the same way, too.
On the adventure with you,

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