Shame is a Lie

     After this past Sunday, I was thinking more about shame and I wish I’d said simply, “Shame is a lie.” That’s really what it is for those in Christ. It’s a false lens through which we view our past. It doesn’t accurately reflect reality, though, because Jesus bore our shame on the cross and we have agreed to let him.

     Because the lie of shame is a spiritual attack, it must be countered with spiritual weapons. It can’t be defeated by denial or busyness; a lie can only be defeated by the Truth. If you’re still struggling with the lie of shame, read about how the Bible says you can be free on the Freedom Prayer page of our website. Jesus really does have freedom for you!
On another subject, have you registered for World Mandate yet? You trust me as your pastor to help lead your family in the right spiritual direction. This conference is an important part of building your family around the priorities of Jesus. You’ll be amazed at the impact on both you and your children.
     Don’t forget to check out our 2018 Ministry Budget and our 2017 Annual Report. Read through it and I think you’ll be wow’d by how God has and is including us in reaching San Antonio and the world with his love. He’s so gracious and generous to us! We’ll affirm the budget together on January 21st.

On the adventure with you,

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