Kyle Watson on Investing

     Last week in our gathering Kyle spoke about the uncertainty of investing in Bitcoins. The next day, Bitcoins lost a third of their value…a few days later, they were up 50%. While everybody loves an upswing, the volatility associated with Bitcoins makes them something most of us should avoid. (Like going to Vegas and betting your life savings on the spin of a roulette wheel)

    Jesus makes an unparalleled promise when he tells us to invest in his kingdom-to actually invest our money in the work that he’s doing of reconciling people to God. He’s not telling us to “give” our money; he actually tells us we’re making an investment that will benefit us in the future. The question is: Do we believe him?
    If giving our money to things like First Gift feels like kissing our hard-earned cash goodbye, then we’re not really getting what Jesus was talking about. The giving of our money for kingdom purposes is actually the only way we keep it forever. We’re not losing it; we’re safeguarding it in an investment backed by the good faith and promise of Jesus.
    We’ve got a ways to go to hit our goal of $439,000 for First Gift. If you haven’t invested in it yet, ask the Lord what he’d have you do. You can use this link to invest electronically or call 210-496-0158 if you want to give a gift of stock
On the adventure with you,

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